Friday, April 24, 2015

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In Japan and China can be found in the avant-garde fashion many applications mysexykittens of manganese -Drawings. But our western comic - and Fantasy -figures - Lolita to punk - reflected mysexykittens in the Japanese street fashion again. It's a great, playful mix - super sweet to cocky.
And this movement has long since sent their impulses as well as overseas. At conventions mysexykittens in the US and Europe since costume parties are held, which could open the western fashion designers eyes to whole new design dimensions.
In our blog we will show you a great cosplay outfits that not only look great but are also handled really well. Of course, the right accessories can not be missing: hair ribbons, bows, stockings, jewelry, shoes and bags to the ninja sword. We have a great selection of really cool costumes that will be gradually added in the latest trends.
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