School Fashion - is primarily a school uniform. Some say that school uniform does not give the child to express that it muffles her personality. I believe that this is not true. Have all generally milan fashion week 2013 hold teachers' meeting on the issue. After all, the problem applies to all school-age milan fashion week 2013 children. Definitely, the school must be characteristic fashion, elegant business style. Preferably a single color for school, but it is not so important. milan fashion week 2013 But a framework in clothes and around a student should be. School uniforms help atone social inequality among students. And school children must walk for knowledge, not on the podium, where the fashion show. Not to brag cool jeans, expensive garments, shoes with heels 15 cm. Business form will help get rid of naked navel, belly, ripped jeans and reperskyh pants, transparent tops and bretelok, stockings, which offer naked body and not resemble schoolgirls and girls track behavior skirts that resemble a wide belt. And laughter, and sin of this school of fashion. It's just zhlobstvo which children do not understand. Yet more sad than funny. For this is our children, and we hurt. By the way, all the "weather" on school milan fashion week 2013 glamor girls do. Guys tend to be more reserved and modest. Some girls go to school in full "battle" face painting. Long hair - this is the card almost every high school student. How can I work at a desk every day when you hair covers his face? There are hundreds of ways to make a good, stylish haircut for school. Let neat manicure, but not false nails black or bright red. Working in schools, I watched the very young schoolgirl milan fashion week 2013 (6-7 cells.) Begin to dye your hair. Even sponges can pidmalyuvaty. This is clearly maternal neglect. What girl look in 12-13 years Dark aunt? School uniforms and proper form student not mutes and self-expression of the child. It should be treated as necessary. After all, all agree that the policemen, doctors, flight attendants must be form. Coming to the firm that respects itself, all expect to see people in suits. It is certain norms, principles, discipline. School milan fashion week 2013 uniforms milan fashion week 2013 help unite children forming in them the spirit of solidarity and belonging to a particular group. milan fashion week 2013 In the UK, for example, wear uniforms prestigious. I think the teachers, parents with students should discuss these issues and come to an agreement. Various options business style and desire to look properly should educate themselves in. Most teachers Dear community, can not solve these issues. Why? Firstly, they have no rights pressure on children, except for the method of persuasion. Second, it prevents a showbiz that has passed all off shamelessness, social networks, demonstrating permissiveness around. As a "heroine" shown on all channels girl with Pavlograd, which last year came on prom night dressed prostitutes. Having seen various videos, montages, our girls begin to imitate what they see. So, anyone seen favorably spoiled our youth. Dear girls! Dress should be appropriate and in accordance with their age. And do not confuse the podium, where does the theater of life. As grotesque milan fashion week 2013 (exaggeration) can lead to trouble. I think we should not come at graduation certificate in the form of semi-nude. I invite all who care to discuss. So you want to our young people grow mentally and physically healthy, successful and happy. O.MURAHA, teacher
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