Friday, November 1, 2013

Little collection of links Alma

'Vanity Fair / Young Hollywood Cover Paper Flower / The Paper Flower
Let us start from the left of the first, we Abbie Cornish, as most may know from .... yes where the hell knows it her? Nåeja, she stole Reese Witherspoon's man! Ahem, and she has been in ... well ... she's as clear a keeper, total young Hollywood. Next maiden certainly have far more claim two fame. Miss Kristen Stewart, who jumped the queue and was megastar when she kissed him that Edward in that vampire movie. In fact, she has been running long - Panic Room, anyone? And she has much more character and charm than the aforementioned Abbie. Moreover, ferragni I think it's sweet that she is so mega awkward. On the other hand, it is not always happiness to succeed in a franchise, you can almost see her 20 years in the future at Comic Con No. 23879th
Then there's Carey Mulligan, who I had the pleasure of seeing alive at the Berlin Film Festival last year, where she was a Shooting Star. Really charming and intelligent! Total Oscar potential in Lone Scherfig's An Education and check out her pixie look, very Twiggy but she is also an Englishman. Amanday Seyfried looks very serious-slash-I-am-serious-actress-like in the picture. A little fun since she won my heart as the clumsiness Karen in Mean Girls. Magnificent! She's really all american girl, but I think all she has something about it, and she can sing (Mamma Mia). Granted her last name is a little random, and gives me associations to Freud.
Rebecca Hall is the doyen of its 27 years and yes she was in Vicky Christina Barcelona, which I did not want to see, and in Nixon / Frost which I do not think so. However, she was alright in The Prestige. She has since very nicely hair, but when it comes to star quality she lies far behind ferragni the others. There is just enough of it that serious brunette type pt (Jennifer Connelley, Kate Beckinsale) and Miss. Hall goes a bit too much in plain view.
Mia Wasikowska, I have not yet had the pleasure of seeing in anything. It can be a little go either way here, I think Tim Burton choose with care, we know that. Still, Mia suffered to be forgotten, or even worse get some lame nickname because that name is a little hard to say. She looks a little småintens out here, but it must also be reasonable scary to sit there and stare at the Vanity Fair team.
So we have come to Emma Stone. Red hair, pretty face, was in Superbad. Had to Google her, it's never a good sign. Emma, you got to make some scandals, ferragni so you can remember your name. Evan Rachel Wood, I think we have reached the point where she no longer needs an introduction. But two name a few - True Blood, Thirteen, and of course ferragni the TV series Once and Again, which was snooork but she was ok good. Rumour has it she has been dating Alexander Skarsgard. I miss her red hair, the blonde who's too generic ferragni Ms. Wood. Anna Kendrick has a small role in the Twilight series and makes it actually ferragni very good. And then she said to be phenomenal ferragni in Up in the Air. We look forward to Anna, if you could just drop it there stuck-up-I-am-little-en-bitc-there-is-too-good-to-here attitude you see in interviews.
Hmmm. I think the little we missing some actresses here are not white and blonde / brunette / poorly dyed hair type. Where was Zoe Krawitz, Zoe Sladana (ellerhvadhunnuhedder) or YaYa De Costa of? Hmm
The Annual Young Hollywood Vanity Fair Cover. Weird selection of actresses. I like Kristen Stewart, Carey Mulligan & Amanda Seyfried. Am undecided about Ms. Hall, Ms. Wasikowska ferragni and Ms. Wood. Need more time angående Abbie Cornish, Rebecca Hall and Anna Kendrick. Am very disappointed about the lack of the non-white-blonde young Hollywood actresses. Epic fail. Try again Vanity Fair. Also, nice of dem to hire Ms. Liebovitz I'm sure she needs the money.
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