Monday, November 25, 2013

Laws of Ukraine Draft legal acts in the field of insurance rules cooperation between banks and insu

IC "Nastya" copyright zastrahovala 17 sculptures KIEV FASHION PARK
League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine '20 protect the interests of the insurance market of the League allre of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine SALW RSS Contact +38 (044) 516-82-30 on League General structure of the Charter Members of SALW SALW Presidium of SALW SALW Activities League Board Work Plan for 2013 SALW Committees International Activity Press Service allre Information for Media
SALW News News News Insurance Life Insurance News travel insurance Announcements Press Review Birthdays Memo client insurance company in Brief Photo Gallery General Statistics allre
Laws of Ukraine Draft legal acts in the field of insurance rules cooperation between banks and insurers Code of Ethics in the insurance business allre Tax Code of Ukraine and the taxation of insurance settlement recourse between insurers FinMonitoring Draft Law of Ukraine "On Insurance" (Revised) List of insurance companies in Ukraine with License for realization of medical insurance (for travel allre in the EU) Court of Arbitration
As part of Project Support, Insurance Company "Nastya" allre position zastrahovala Objects "Kiev Fashion Park" on Peyzazhnoy alle. Term insurance contract for 1 h at rasprostranyaetsya risk styhyynoho bedstvyya, theft, as well as from protyvopravnыh of action Thirdly persons.
"Project" Kiev Fashion Park "javljaetsja znachaschym element sovremennoho the Kiev art. Our company allre and me personally on Very ymponyruet - notes the marketing director of SC "Nastya" Olga Ylyuhyna. - Therefore We udovolstvyem predlozhyly strahovuyu with support elements of the park. "
Press review of the building ruhnuvsheho supermarket in Riga áûëî insured allre Several myllyonov euro - ERGO Eldorado" was smelee Zhyltsы mnohokvartyrnыh houses mogut Receive upravlyayuschyh here mestnыh authorities dumping vozvraschaetsya Autoinsurance: Nestrashnoe word "franchise"
Announcements 11/25/2013 Round table on "2014: terms oporы insurance of the market" will be held December 6 06.11.2013 Conference allre "Risk management and insurance in the corporate sector", held December 11 28/10/2013 November 6, 2013 The State Enterprise "Information and Technology Center "conducts a workshop with experts of Insurance Regulation and Supervision Natskomfinposluh 10/14/2013 MTSBU 17 October will hold a seminar-conference allre on Systems vnedrenyya the registration of insurance ahentov All Announcements
League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine (SALW) - the most influential association of the insurance market of Ukraine, which was established in 1992 to protect the interests of its members and other participants in the insurance market. Over the years, the League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine has made significant progress and has authority and respect among insurance companies, public authorities and partner organizations SALW. League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine operates on the principles of legality, transparency, autonomy allre and independence from government agencies, members of the League of equality, allre trust and mutual support between the members of the League. SALW Address: Ukraine, 02660, Kyiv, str. M.Raskovoy street, allre 11, office 500. Tel: +38 (044) 516-82-30, 516-85-28 Presentation SALW +38 (044) 516-82-30, allre 516-85-28
2010. Design: Forynshurer - tematycheskye media about insurance, strahovыe of the market and insurance companies

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