Sunday, February 1, 2015

The whole story, as when the author is customary, throws unexpected and insignificant event - the f

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I am glad that there is again more people dedicated to literature. devil wears zara Recently in this section brought new winds colleague Pierre with his view of the Sorrows of Young Werther. Yours truly has recently devoted more contemporary creation, as it was dark, perhaps too fabulous novel about a troll who really exist and Scandinavia abduct human children. Today, more work lobster chattering origin story of a man who after a bicycle in the middle of the forest came in a deep personal crisis, which deepened the lack of best invention of mankind - skim milk. Erlend Loe and Doppler.
Author of Norwegian origin, which is the vast majority of Slovaks still unknown concept. His work appeared but for our publishing Slovak writer devil wears zara in 2000 translation of his book naively. Super. the 1996 has become popular because of the humorous and sometimes naive novel, although in his time stories also appear darker tones and inclination to satirical criticism of Norwegian society. He worked in a psychiatric clinic and newspapers, as many places in his books explains. Storytelling style is very simple and understandable, appropriate author for easier devil wears zara reading.
The whole story, as when the author is customary, throws unexpected and insignificant event - the fall of the bike in the middle of the forest. Suddenly Andreas Doppler smells peace and harmony. Already it bothers endless children's songs from her son's fairy tales, ideas for a new bathroom and choosing the right toilet bowl. Does it bother him company, is free and fair. He decides to leave his wife, two children and will be issued devil wears zara with a tent towards the forest in the outskirts of Oslo. Leave behind a comfortable and boring life. As we all know, everything is never perfect and even in this case. The complete satisfaction lacks more Toblerone chocolate, nonfat milk and meat. One fall off the bicycle, devil wears zara which he illustrates the essence. It is not important to diligently devil wears zara take care of family, work hard, diligently observe social conventions, the important thing is the people's party.
Skamaráti with small Losice Bong, whose mother killed because of meat. Of course, skimmed milk obtained only in exchange for moose meat, a return to the roots of civilization and bartering. In the middle of the forest develops the most beautiful work of procrastination - doing nothing. During one of peace and long evenings decides to get rid of his incredible skill that was still his most characteristic feature - the school had always been clever, clever had a girlfriend with whom He is married, has been surrounded by clever friends, was offered at convenient place, cleverly raised children, cleverly reconstructed house. devil wears zara
People literally hate, can not stand their diligence, fairness, correctness, bondage and uniformovanosť. After a year robinsonovského life is brought into the tent of his four-year son to save him from the clutches of organized, diligent and fair wife. The education of the older daughters Doppler surrender, but at least it tries to convince to place the weekend of study organized a huge party and a little ravaged their home exhibition.
Doppler realized change their lifestyle very strongly, selfish and unexpectedly. After all, no wonder even drove me to the toilet bowl to escape from home. Even the birth of a second son convinces him to return home to his wife. Still escapes into his tent on the edge of society. It is governed by its newfound philosophy of life, which snatches the reader learns over time. Despite vyhrotenosti many of its arguments, they always find a grain of truth. The absurdity of the whole work culminates when the average Nóra inspires one to walk in the woods will be added next tent. Truly, it asociála any happier. Neither fact, if you will take the local community as the new spiritual leader who gave tangible assets for the greater good. And will organize meetings in order to obtain wisdom from you - new guru - just when you do not want to talk.
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It started very promising, but after a while my main character went pretty devil wears zara annoying. I waited in vain for a shift, even though it was written in an engaging way so characteristic for him. To naively. Super. But it definitely does.
January 30, 2015 // Arts cozy wooden devil wears zara cottage, situated almost in the wilderness

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