Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Minister of Religious Endowments: Baha

Country: Minister of Awqaf: Baha'is thoughts void and a danger to national security doctrine
Minister of Religious Endowments: Baha'is thoughts void and a danger to national security doctrine
The Minister of Awqaf Dr. Mohamed Mokhtar Friday, the Baha'i thought is not only very dangerous to the homeland and the integrity of security, gnam style but dangerous more on religion and the Islamic faith, pointing out that his teachings false and contrary to the assets of the Islamic religion and beliefs in full contradiction, nothing to do with Islam and nothing to do with Islam by He graduated adherents of his constituency. He warned the Minister of Awqaf Metallica statement Day-of these misguided groups destructive, they are creatures of the enemies of our religion and our nation and our national security of Egypt and the Arab world, which requires all of us to detect aberration and untruths this difference, which is what needs to be vigilant and take note, and stick to the right of the Islamic with guidance centrist without excess or negligence . He said that our national security requires the face of all extremist ideas, gnam style whether extremism expensive and hard-line, or a deviation and Tsepa and Anflata and a departure from the religious, moral, societal and human values, and if we want to eradicate militancy from its roots must be to eliminate the idleness of its roots, each reaction equal did him in Anti figure in his direction. He explained, "Friday", that the foundations of the Baha'i false It is not seal the prophecies, what opens the door for charlatans and impostors claiming prophethood, and lack of faith in the resurrection, and their interpretation paradise spiritual life, and the fire is spiritual death, and their belief that the pilgrimage to the Kaaba void, and the pilgrimage gnam style to the tomb of Al-Baha in Haifa, and not the prohibition of incest marriage, and believed that God did not only deprive the mother, as they settle adultery and communist women, money and the legalization of usury, and other taboos and sins. He pointed out that the Ministry of Awqaf realized the great danger of the Baha'i under the circumstances experienced by repeated gnam style his dear and the Arab region, as he tries to enemies of religion and the homeland gnam style Tvsakh and the fragmentation of the social fabric of our homelands various of extremism ways, so she holding consecutive training gnam style sessions to raise awareness of the danger of these ideas on religion and national security, as the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs decided to print some research on the risk of Baha'i Thought contribution from him in warning of the danger of these ideas, which has become a political employs main employers for the benefit of the enemies of religion and the homeland.
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