Monday, November 17, 2014

The main site searching for remains of dinosaurs in the early twentieth century became Canada. Dr.

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The first documented discovery of remnants of giant dinosaurs was a huge jaw with a full set of teeth, found in 1770 in a career in the Netherlands. The great naturalist of the time, Georges Cuvier studied this jaw and in 1795 announced that it belonged to some huge sea lizard. A few years Reverend William Koniber, an expert on marine animals found Mozozavromom called - "lizard from Mooza" (named after the town where they were found cysts).
In 1858, New Jersey, USA, were found the remains of bones, and including almost complete skeleton, another giant lizard. These findings are examined Joseph Lida, professor of anatomy. He drew attention to the fact that the front legs lizard found much shorter back, and concluded that these fossil animals had to walk on its hind legs, like a modern kangaroo. This statement helped to further restore the appearance of bipedal new york fashion week 2012 dinosaurs as Iґuanodonty, Meґalozavry, Tyrannosaurus and others found in 1858 belonged to the bone Ґadrozavru, one of the platypus dinosaurs.
In England, at the beginning of the XIX century. Professor William Buckland studied jawbone with teeth, which his friend, James Parkinson, defined as one that belonged to a huge lizard, named Meґalozavrom. Description of the fossils was published new york fashion week 2012 in 1824 In 1811 eleven Eninґ Mary and her brother Joseph, collecting shells and fossilized shells, near the town of Lima Redzhys in southern England, to store his mother znayshly5-meter skull of a giant sea lizard, later called ichthyosaurs. Around 1818 country doctor Gideon Mentel and his wife Mary were collected fossil bones and teeth in a career in Sussex. The most interesting findings were the teeth leaf shape that resembled modern lizards Iґuany teeth, hence Iґuanodont that was given to this animal in 1825
That is, the word "dinosaur" was about 1841 this name was proposed by paleontologist Richard Owen, who tried to organize them into one group. In 1876, in a coal mine on the outskirts of the village Bernisar, Belgium, was made a remarkable discovery - found a cemetery new york fashion week 2012 Iґuanodoniv 39 skeletons, many of which were complete! These remains were then assembled and mounted the in the Brussels museum in position on two legs. The biggest dinosaur new york fashion week 2012 discovery made in North America, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Two researchers, paleontologists, Otniel new york fashion week 2012 Charles Marsh and Edward Cope Drikner, independently of one another, fit out an expedition to this area and pay miners for interesting fossils. new york fashion week 2012 These expeditions were important, because they have been applied for the first time the methods of preparation and training new york fashion week 2012 for the carriage new york fashion week 2012 of skeletons that are used to today. As a result of their quest, dubbed "the new york fashion week 2012 great American hunt for dinosaurs," the end of XIX century. was discovered 139 new species of ancient reptiles.
The main site searching for remains of dinosaurs in the early twentieth century became Canada. Dr. Barnum Brown - professional "dinosaur hunter", an American new york fashion week 2012 paleontologist, a fellow of the American Museum of Natural History found fragments of several skeletons of Tyrannosaurus rex in Montana, USA, began excavations in the area of Red Deep River, Alberta, Canada. There he found fragments of skeletons of dinosaurs platypus A Canadian researcher Charles Shterenberґ with his sons managed to find there a large number of remains not only the platypus, but also predatory new york fashion week 2012 and armor and horned dinosaurs.
In 1909 the Berlin Museum expedition, headed by Warner Yanensh, moved to a remote area of Tanzania, called Tendaґuru. As a result of this expedition were assembled large collections of fossils are very similar to the remains of dinosaurs in North America and, in addition, were found the bones of Brachiosaurus and Kentozavra. In 1923 the American Museum new york fashion week 2012 of Natural History organized the expedition to Central Asia in the Gobi Desert. Scientists have unsuccessfully sought bones of prehistoric man, but instead, new york fashion week 2012 in the town, called the "area of Flaming cliffs", they managed to collect an impressive collection of dinosaur bones, there were found the remains Prototseratopsiv - strange herbivorous dinosaurs with a powerful collar bone on the skull, small prey Oviraptoridae, resembling small ostrich with a long (up to 1.5-2 m) tail and rohopodibnym grow on the nose, and Velociraptor, carnivorous dinosaurs average. In addition, near the flaming rocks the world's first dinosaur eggs were found. While scientists have carried them to Prototseratopsiv. Seventy years later, another American expedition new york fashion week 2012 has found 300 miles from blazing rocks similar egg with well-preserved embryos. His identity, without effort, defined as s

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