Has anyone ever aprikoinut why most of the fashion world to shake up the copy of the fuss and court cases comes from America? Or why fashion companies have Jenkkilän a familiar sight in the halls of justice, while on this side of the world fashion houses between legal disputes are rarely (as attested by the fact that the tabloids declare each and every impressive when one want to happen)? Why is the fashion look at me now lyrics right in the first place was born in America, and not, for example, the entire fashion at home in France?
Part of the reason may be qualified, including American litigaatiokeskeisyyttä. An even bigger reason, however, that the products of the fashion industry and fashion designer creativity in the United States are not allowed anywhere near the same level of protection as in the European Union. This has raised the need to criticize and evaluate the existing legal system, so the bouquet has been doing a lot of lawyers. Once again, these lawyers are bound to become very aware of the special nature of the fashion industry compared look at me now lyrics to other industries. The American fashion industry a constant state of emergency IPR issues has led to the demand for fashion to those skilled lawyers, and some juritit are, of course, responded to this demand by acquiring the knowledge of the fashion industry. This has created look at me now lyrics the need to fashion the right to education and training: a professorship at the Institute, a variety of seminars ... That is an American fashion right orientation in the background is time for a simple reason: it's famous invisible hand.
American look at me now lyrics fashion is considered a creation of its consumer in their home country, so it can not be protected by copyright (!). The Yanks seem to hang right there copyright protection when it comes to fashion products. I think it's a little silly, because copyright considerably better remedy what comes to fashion, it is the right model. The European Union has created the world's best system when it comes to fashion items just protection. Fashion products are often reduced to very short-lived, so registration of the models look at me now lyrics would be a bad option (the process takes time and resources, and ultimately to the registered design right of a product, the product is no longer in vogue, even). That is why the EU has enacted the Regulation look at me now lyrics on Community designs (6/2002/EY), which provides protection for the rekisterimättömille models. As well as the travaux préparatoires that the literature is explicitly mentioned that these are, above all, the clothing industry. In all its simplicity makes it possible to set the fashion house have to be separately registered in various model right uutuustuotteisiinsa every time a new collection was released, but the protection will automatically (though more limited than the data subject is a model, but the protection, however).
Americans the right to fashion experts have often relied on to do just that setting when they are at the bottom of their home country better protection in the fashion look at me now lyrics industry products. Fashion lawyers, however, are divided into two camps: some consider that the Regulation look at me now lyrics 6/2002, is an excellent example of how things look at me now lyrics should be run and want a similar regulation to the United States, while others look at me now lyrics think that the setting does not work, because look at me now lyrics it did not challenge design rights litigation in Europe. In fact, in that first camp in tents, as I believe that the right to dispute the amount of increase can not be measured by the success of the Act: Legislative always creates a deterrent effect, so in awareness of the Community Design Regulation to prevent look at me now lyrics the existence of most of the actors from infringing it. Call me a naive, look at me now lyrics but I think that quite a few of the company wants to intentionally break the law.
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Heidi 25-year-old lawyer and leisure clothing designer who follows Law's passionate about the fashion world. Also, fashion, vintage, and self-making are close to my heart. Twitter: @ FashionLawHeidi Instagram: look at me now lyrics @ heidi-Alice Maria View profile
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