MARC-MARINESCU CONSTANTIN DIRECTORUL CONCURSULUI INTERNA IONAL DE ARTE VIZUALE "JUST FOR LAUGHS" 2013 - Montreal Informatie preluata the ACCENT MONTREAL În cadrul Celei of-a 31-a edi ii Festivalului Just for a laugh, if intrepid 13 27 Iulie his derulat Concursul International arte vizuale "Just for Laughs 2013," it has prezentat publicului 30 proveniti artistic din toate colturile lumii. Dupa anecdotele din 2001 din glumele 2002 ironia din 2003 din sau parodia 2004 anul Acesta alexa chung hair o alta Tematica din cele "12 universuri umorului ale" (12 The universe of humor), realizate artistul of MARC-Constantin Marinescu pentru Muzeul Just for Laughs will fi abordata: cinismul. alexa chung hair Cele plague the 200 participating creatii concurs (inclusiv din România if Republica Moldova) Evaluate the fost of a juriu multidisciplinar, din care, alaturi MARC-Constantin Marinescu, directorul concursului his aflat if dl. Bumbaru, director alexa chung hair of the Heritage Montreal politici. În afara concursului at fost organizate customs free Expoziţii care abordeaza cinismul. Este Vorba of "Dialogues: a cynical MARC" o series of 24 original semnate lucrari MARC-Constantin Marinescu, care will avea loc în Grand Foyer Culturel Place des Arts Expozitia include if lucrarea originala has artistului "The cynicism. "(1993). A customs expozitie este cea has Celor 30 finalisti have concursului. Ea fost prezentata, if intrepid 13 27 Iulie 2013 în aer liber, pe strada Sainte-Catherine intrepid intrarea principala Place des Arts Saint-Urbain if strada, care has transformed fost în în perioada respectiva Boulevard des Arts. MARC-Constantin Marinescu designs and manufactures médialle for the Prix du Québec medal of the Prix du Québec 2011: creation of MARC - Constantin Marinescu Material: Medal Solid Sterling Silver Cubic Zirconia. Techniques and assembly methods: three-dimensional object according to a computerized drawing. Lost wax casting, set with Cubic Zirconia, oxidation. Concept: The uniqueness exists. It sometimes takes a fraction of a second, alexa chung hair sometimes forever. It is findable, yes, in the maze. Where are we in relation to it? Panelists: Josée Desjardins, jeweler and teacher in jewelry, Michel-Alain Forgues, jeweler alexa chung hair and teacher in jewelry, Bruno Santerre, visual artist and teacher in visual arts. Photo: Rémy Boily How can we define work? Make sense of the nonsense, alexa chung hair transforming the cul-de-sac in the process of open access play with the law of gravity and the function of the object, make the impossible alexa chung hair possible ... MARC-Constantin Marinescu transforms alexa chung hair symbolism characterizing the cartoonish style in physical models. It focuses on the neo-surrealist technique of moving objects in a familiar alexa chung hair context and place them in another unusual. Items are combined to hit our sense of what should be. These are all disturbing juxtapositions representation and product changes that industrialization and environmental degradation resulting have made. The designer MARC-Constantin Marinescu specializes in the production of cultural goods. He discussed the many projects locally and internationally. With nearly 50 years of European and North American experience. Numerous prizes, awards and patents awarded his work, most recently the Certificate of Honor that was awarded by the City of Montreal in 2004. MARC stands out not only for his professional accomplishments, but also by its outstanding volunteer involvement alexa chung hair at the community level. Its proactive involvement in both community, municipal and provincial level, is a popular and respected citizen, a worthy model to follow. His contribution to Quebec culture is important and remarkable. Values, such as critical thinking and self-criticism, motivation, initiative, expertise, experience alexa chung hair and especially alexa chung hair the enhancement of context are there for something. While living for 20 years in Montreal, Marc does not consider himself a Montreal, but rather a "Montréaliste." Contact: Ana Marinescu
Octombire decembrie 83-2013-81-82 aprilie septembrie 2013 august 80 2013 79 2012 78 Iunie decembrie septembrie 2012-77-aprilie Iulie 76 ianuarie 2012-75 martie 2012 octombrie decembrie-2011 73/74 aprilie alexa chung hair septembrie 2011-72-martie ianuarie 2011 octombrie decembrie 71-2010 69/70 aprilie septembrie 2010-68-ianuarie 2010 aprilie 67 octombrie decembrie-2009 65/66 May 2009-septembrie
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